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*** Favorite Adventure Tales ***

          The following section contains adventures tales, stories and interesting newspaper articles.  I have tried to include something for everyone in this area.  I am always interested in new submissions so if you have and interesting story or a message you would like to share please feel free to use the "Feedback" section to submit it.


A Bad Day in Good Day Jim
Caught in a
Flash Flood

Barranca del Cobre - Copper Canyon
A Mexican Canyoneering Tale

Baptist Draw Accident - San Rafael Swell
A Night to Remember

Buckskin Bites Back
Winter Epic in Buckskin Gulch

Canyoneering Primer
A guide to Improve your Skills

Canyoneering Rescue - Zion National Park
Mystery Canyon Rescue

Chambers Rescue - Robbers Roost
Slot Canyon Rescue

Cheating Death in Bluejohn Canyon
Story of Survival

Choprock Claims Two
Death in Choprock Canyon

Confessions of a Kiddie Canyoneer
What is Rap-N-Swim?

Das Boot is Named
How the Slot was Named

Death in the Lower Black Box
Two Deadly Canyoneering Tales

Escape From Alcatraz
A Hair Raising Canyon Escape

Escaping The Subway
Canyoneering Epic

Flash Flood - Antelope Canyon
Deadly Flash Flood Tale

Flash Flood in the Black Hole
Deadly Flash Flood Tale

Flash Flood - San Rafael Swell
Caught in a Flash Flood

Flash Flood - Zion National Park
Spectacular Pictures of a Flash Flood

Full of Surprises
Goon in a wetsuit

German Tourists In Imlay
Where did you come from?

Grand Teton - Extreme Picnic
Personal Account of Summit Attempt

How Bad Can It Get - Little Wild Horse
Snowstorm & Flash Flood

Kolob Canyon Disaster - Zion
Death in Kolob Canyon

Legend of Hog Allen
True Zion Ghost Story

Leprechaun Canyon - Injury & Rescue
When Things go Wrong

Little Colorado River Gorge
January 1980 - Canyoneering

Lost in the Uintas
Tale of Two Lost Hikers

My Favorite Canyon
A Day in the Life of a Canyoneer

No Mans Tragedy
The death of Louis Cicotello

Opening Pandora's Box
Search & Rescue

Pfeifferhorn - Winter Mountaineering
Personal Account of Summit Attempt

Robbers Roost
Outlaw Legend

Sandthrax - Canyon of Doom
Trapped in a Deadly Canyon

Sandthrax - Epic Debacle
Sandthrax Claims More Victims

Schoolyard Opinion
Never Kick a Fresh Turd on a Hot Day

Single Rope - Robbers Roost
Epic Adventure

Stuck in Chambers - Robbers Roost
Epic Adventure

Stupid Mistakes and Close Calls
Rock Climbing Miscues

Technical Canyoneering Gear
A Guide to Canyoneering Equipment and it's use.

The River Trip
Flashed in The Chute

Why Zero Gravity
How Are Slot Canyons Named?

Canyoneering Tales
Book of epic, humorous and tragic canyoneering stories.

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